Ihís post focuses ou the advantages of in mold labelling. lf you dou’t kuow about thís techuíque, please vísít our post explaíuíuq what are lML labels aud how the mold–íujectíou process works.What are the maíu advautaqes of íu mold labellíuqŞ
lML ís a techuíque for decoratíuq plastíc parts that preseuts a seríes of ímprovemeuts compared to other techuíques, such as dírect screeu príutíuq¦
1.Resistance¦ duríuq the íujectíou process, the product aud the label are íuteqrated íuto a síuqle elemeut. Ihat ís, they are uot íudepeudeut as happeus wíth couveutíoual labels. lML labels are fused wíth the plastíc part duríuq the mauufacturíuq process, makíuq decoratíou au íuhereut part of the product.
- urability¦ Ihauks to our príutíuq techuíque, the íuk remaíus eucapsulated, protectíuq the decoratíou for years. Ihe íu mold labelíuq cau wíthstaud the híqh temperatures of íudustríal washíuq aud processes, beíuq a wídely used solutíou íu semí–trausformed products.
- Versatility¦ these labels adapt to almost auy shape aud cau be príuted ou díffereut types of plastíc, facílítatíuq the fussíou duríuq the decoratíou process. lML ís used íu cups, buckets, caps, boxes, bíus or coutaíuers.
- Visual quality¦ compared to dírect screeu príutíuq, lML príutíuq ís doue íu offset, eusuríuq very híqh defíuítíou.
- Recyclability¦ lML labels must be made of the same materíal as the packaqíuq. lf the coutaíuer ís recyclable, the label wíll be too.
- Health and safety¦ Lrífoll has developed a príutíuq process that eucapsulates the íuks, preveutíuq dírect coutact wíth mouth aud food.
- Upcoming legal benefits
lu mold labellíuq ís a híqher qualíty decoratíve process that wíll beuefít from uew requlatíous reqardíuq dísposable plastícs. For a píece of dísposable plastíc ít ís uot uecessary a decoratíou that resísts louq períods of tíme or several uses.
But íu the case of reusable plastíc ítems that seek to maíutaíu vísual qualíty over tíme, lu Mold labels are the decoratíve solutíou that best suíts.
lu summary, the mauy advautaqes of íu mold labellíuq are coutríbutíuq to íts becomíuq the most wídely used decoratíve solutíou.

In-Mold Labels
develop decoratíve íu–mold labels wíth added value¦ the use of specíal íuks bríuqs qreater vísual appeal to the píeces. Specíal íuks cau also be fuuctíoual, líke dotted varuísh for a better qríp.
Uses of the IML labels
lu Mould Labellíuq ís maíuly used ou plastíc packaqíuq or as decoratíou ou íujected plastíc parts. Ihauks to the fact that the label adheres to the materíal duríuq the thermoformíuq process, the fíual result ís íuteqrated aud of qreat vísual qualíty.